streamr GenAI Audio Beta is Live! 🎧 GenAI Audio Streaming on Radio and Podcasts

By Jonathan Moffie

May 10, 2024

The streamr team is maniacal about staying focused. That’s why this next announcement will seem at odds with the mission to be the “Easiest Way to Advertise on Streaming TV.”

But we also won’t turndown a great opportunity when it comes knocking.

We had multiple current and potential customers ask if we also generate radio and podcast ads…

Well, now we do. I’m excited to unveil the streamr GenAI Audio beta! You can start playing around with it here:

Did you hear that? That’s the sound of streamr adding a new $44B Audio Market to go after!

Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. This is a true beta. This means you can hear what it’s like to generate an audio commercial for a business, but you cannot launch it on Spotify, etc. just yet.

We are working on building the e2e solution, but the reason for releasing GenAI Audio now is we already have “GenAI Services” customers using the product to generate an Audio ad and launch it on their ad platform.

Reach out to if quality, affordable GenAI Audio ads are something that can help your DSP, SSP, or Agency secure more campaign spend!

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